Proteste gegen die Line 3 Pipeline in den USA
Die Proteste gegen die umstrittene Line 3 Pipeline gehen weiter. Wie bereits die Proteste gegen die Keystone XL- und Dakota Access Oil Pipeline werden auch die Aktionen gegen die LINE 3 sehr stark durch indigene Aktivist*innen getragen, mit allen Konsequenzen i. S. v. Kriminalisierung, Diskriminierung und Zerstörung von Natur und für Indigene relevante Orte. Wir werden in Zukunft diesbezügliche Informationen, z. B. des LAKOTA PEOPLES LAW PROJEK (LPLP) auf unseren Seiten mit der Bitte verbreiten, sich fortlaufend zu informieren und mit den Aktivist*innen vor Ort zu solidarisieren. Spenden an das LPLP können direkt überwiesen werden oder auch über uns. Verwendungszweck: LPLP. Ihr bekommt dann jeweils zu Jahresanfang entsprechende Bescheinigungen für eure Steuererklärungen. Wir kooperieren seit einigen Jahren mit dem LPLP sowohl bei der Unterstützung ökologischer, menschenrechtsbezogener, sozialer sowie gesundheitsfürsorglicher Projekte.
Dear Claudia and Michael,
It’s a big week for the resistance. As the Line 3 protest camps continue to meet the unprecedented advancement of Enbridge’s dangerous pipeline — arrests are happening nearly every day as this Indigenous-led movement attempts to stop a host of river crossings — my colleague, Chase Iron Eyes, and our full media team are heading out to the frontlines right now.
This trip, and our staff’s ongoing dedication to media creation, outreach, and logistical support, is a huge investment — and it’s one we hope you’ll help us make. We’re going all in on providing the camps with needed equipment and capability to amplify this struggle now, while we still have a chance to protect Anishinaabe homelands. Will you give generously in this moment to protect our relatives and our world?
Water protectors at a Line 3 front in June. Photo by Christopher Francisco.
Our presence — and that of any allies who can also make the trip — is badly needed. In 2016 and 2017, the movement against the Dakota Access pipeline at Standing Rock attracted tens of thousands. In Minnesota, we are far fewer, and we’re spread thin across several camps. Those already on the frontlines are struggling logistically to stop Enbridge’s rapid build across many bodies of water. As you can see below, the police presence is mighty. We must do all we can.
Police ready to enforce Line 3’s incursions in June. Photo by Christopher Francisco.
Fortunately, we’re joining a coalition led by knowledgeable Indigenous leaders like Winona LaDuke of Honor the Earth, who was arrested this week, and Tara Houska of Giniw collective (pictured below). Our first jobs are to get there, set up, listen to the needs, and begin amplifying the voices of those on the ground.
Giniw Collective’s Tara Houska provides leadership against Line 3. Photo by Christopher Francisco.
The time is now. This week, another mistake in construction spewed noxious fluids into another sacred river. As they always do, this pipeline is already despoiling pristine waters. How much worse will it be when the tar sands oil — some of the world’s dirtiest — is spilled in these same water systems? We must not let that happen. We’re preparing to hold our ground for as long as it takes, and we thank you from our hearts for your generous support of this mission.
Wopila tanka — thank you for supporting our direct action against this toxic pipeline!
Madonna Thunder Hawk
Cheyenne River Organizer
The Lakota People’s Law Project
P.S. Your support is instrumental in helping us protect sacred lands and waters. Will you contribute now to help us make the best possible impact on the ground at Line 3?
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