Leonard Crow Dog verstorben. Leonard Peltier zum Tode Crow Dogs
Leonard Crow Dog, Lakota Medizinmann, spiritual adviser u.a. auch des AIM und Leonard Peltiers ist im Kreise seiner Familie am 5. Juni 2021 verstorben. Wir trauern mit seiner Familie und seinen Freunden um diesen kämpferischen Mann. Have a save journey to the spiritual world. Viele Menschen weltweit haben seine Autobiograqfie und die seiner früheren Frau, MAry Crow Dog, gelesen. Beide sind aus der Geschichte des seit Ende der 60er Jahre wieder auferstehenden indigenen Selbstbewusstseins, inigener Würde und indigenen Widerstands nicht wegzudenken. Anbei die Worte Leonard Peltiers:
Leonard Peliter (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians), Prisoner
Hau mi kolas!! Being in prison it takes time before we can get info from the streets and family, but I just heard of the great loss for the Lakota Nation and all Native peoples. I met Crow Dog back in the 60’s when we were both in Colorado for some Native event. It’s been so long I forget what it was about now, but I know it was about treaties and civil rights for all peoples in the USA, and the world really. Then later on, in Rosebud, was when we really became friends. He invited me to his home and I met his mother and father and family. His mother fell in love with me and adopted me as one of her sons to replace Leonard’s twin who passed away years before, and so Leonard and I became brothers, and good friends. I enjoyed his ceremonies, as he always put some good action in them that made them more interesting and exciting so that YOU WANTED TO GO TO MORE WITH HIM, AND WE HAD SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT FOR DAYS. I’m on a very short time limit, so I have to cut this short, but I want everyone to know Leonard fought hard for our peoples and our treaties and our religious rights, he held perhaps THOUSANDS Of CEREMONIES AND BROUGHT BACK A LOT OF NATIVE peoples to our religion. We will miss him and I don’t think he will ever be replaced. I’m sorry, but time is up, so I have to cut this short, otherwise I have a thousands more good things to say about my brother Leonard Crow Dog. Doksha
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von LPDC Canada by Andrew Henley:
Leonard Crow Dog Senior, Sicangu (Rosebud) Lakota medicine man and spiritual leader, has made his journey into the great mystery at home, surrounded by family June 5th 2021. Leonard received a traditional burial at Crowdogs Paradise on June 8th. He became famous during the AIM takeover of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota in 1973. He fought for his belief, that all people and Nations will live again in peace and spirit. He spoke of sacred way of life and our children. He shared that we all know bits of the truth. Leonard’s parents knew he would be a medicine man so they kept him out of school and the left brain thinking and training, therefore he does not know how to read and write English. Good Lance, another Crow Dog, began teaching him the ways of a medicine man from an early age. At the age seven Crow Dog was initiated by four medicine men. He did his first hanbleceya (vision quest) at the age of 13. The takeover of Wounded Knee had special meaning for Crow Dog because his great-grandfather, Jerome Crow Dog, had been a ghost dancer and saved several dancers from the massacre at Wounded Knee after receiving a vision. Shortly after Wounded Knee, the federal government began prosecuting AIM leaders for various charges. In September of 1975, 185 FBI officers, federal marshals, and SWAT teams showed up at Crow Dog’s Paradise looking for Leonard Peltier and took Crow Dog to the maximum security unit at Leavenworth. The National Council of Churches took up Crow Dog’s case and raised $150,000 for his appeal. When his defense team went before a judge to apply for a sentence reduction, there was a long table stacked with letters and petitions from all over the world in support of Crow Dog. Floored by the outpouring of support, the judge ordered that Crow Dog be immediately released. (He had already served nearly two years of his sentence.) His testimony in the US Supreme Court led to the Amendment of the Freedom of Religion ruling, transcripts of which are available through the Library of Congress. Leonard also co-authored “Crow Dog: Four Generations of Sioux Medicine Men.” The book recounts family history through four generations of the Crow Dog family. His story will be retold through the generations. Rest in Power, Chief of Chiefs.
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