(German/English) Leonard Peltier’s spiritueller Berater, Lenny Foster, reicht Statement beim UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues ein/Leonard Peltier’s Spiritual Advisor, Lenny Foster, Submits Statement to UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Lenny Foster, langjähriger spiritueller Berater Leonard Peltiers, hat beim diesjährigen UN Permanent forum on Indigenous Issues eine Stellungnahme zu Peltiers Begnadigung abgegeben. Das Forum, das von der neuen US-Innenministerin Deb Haaland eröffnet wurde und aufgrund der Pandemie nur online stattfinden konnte, ist für indigene Angelegenheiten (global) ein wichtiges Instrument. Der Navajo Lenny Foster hat bezogen auf Leonard Peltier in einem schriftlichen STatement erneut dessen Freilassung gefordert. Hier ein Text aus NATIVE NEWS ONLINE vom 30.4.2021, weiter unten findet ihr den Link zum gesamten Artikel.

Lenny Foster (Navajo), who has served as Leonard Peltier’s spiritual advisor for several decades, summitted a written statement: My name is Lenny Foster, and I am of the Towering House clan born for Mountain Cove, originally from Fort Defiance, Arizona. I am a citizen of the Navajo Nation, and I have been a spiritual advisor for Leonard Peltier since March 1985 when I started visiting him at the United States Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas. My specific duties with him have been conducting sweat lodge ceremonies and pipe ceremonies. My prayers have been to sustain his sanity, for spiritual cleansing and purification, and to help him enhance his humanity and remain spiritually strong. Leonard Peltier is Dakota and Anishinaabe from the Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota. He was wrongfully convicted for the June 26, 1975 murders of two FBI special agents in Oglala, South Dakota. He has been incarcerated for over forty-five years and remains the longest-held Indigenous political prisoner in the Western Hemisphere. At seventy-six years old, Leonard remains incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary in Coleman, Florida, and his medical and health status is very poor. I am recommending that he be granted compassionate release based on his poor health. He is experiencing severe Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and failing eyesight. He is insulin-dependent and has an aortic aneurysm. The threat of Covid-19 is present in the United States prison system, and he needs to be released as soon as possible due to his multiple risk factors.
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