Newsletter des ILPDC sowie weitere aktuelle Infos zu Leonard Peltier

Anbei der aktuelle Newsletter des ILPDC (in englisch). Zuvor einige Kurzinfos hieraus in Deutsch und eine kurze in Deutsch übersetzte Zusammenfassung eines weiteren Facebook-Textes von Co-Direktorin Carol Gokee. Wir werden in den kommenden Tagen hierzu Überlegungen für weitere Aktionen vorstellen und zur Diskussion stellen – hier in Deutschland, Europaweit und in Abstimmung mit unterschiedlichen Partnern in den USA und Kanada.
Leonard Peltier schreibt an das ILPDC, dass er ein kurzes Gespräch mit seinem Fallmanager hatte. Dieser sagte ihm, dass er nun für eine Verlegung vorgesehen sei, denn er habe ja seine Strafe abgesessen (eine Strafe einer unrechtmäßigen Gerichtsverhandlung, so Leonard). Ich könne derzeit aber nicht aufgrund der anhaltenden Pandemie verlegt werden: Es könne daher noch 6 Monate oder länger dauern, bevor er mit einem Flug des Bureau of Prisons (BOP) verlegt würde. Außerdem sagte ihm der Fallmanager, dass seine Sicherheitsverwahrungs-Stufe verringerd wird. Mit diesem niedrigeren Level könne Peltiers Verlegung nach Oxford/Wisconcsin überprüft werden.
In dem Newsletter des ILPC wurde nochmals auf die aktuelle Spendenkampagne für den Rechtsfond Peltiers hingewiesen. Ursprünglich sollte diese über Gofundme abgewickelt werden (hierüber werden auch andere Projektspenden abgewickelt, u.a. die Covid 19-Spenden an die Navajo-Hopi-Reservationen). Das ILPDC hat sich nun für Fundraxr entschieden. Die Spenden werden benötigt u.a. für anfallende Ausgaben im Rahmen der Verlegung, allgemeiner Begnadigungsanträge, Anträge Leonard aufgrund der Pandemie aus humanitären Gründen zu entlassen, Fragen im Rahmen des Freedomn of Information Acts und Peltiers Verfassungsklage. Als deutsche Supportgroup bieten wir wie bisher auch an, Spenden an uns zu überweisen, womit eure Spenden von Überweisungsgebühren in die USA befreit sind und zu 100% dann dem Legal Fund Peltiers durch uns in Form einer Sammelüberweisung transferiert werden. Spenden an uns gehen unter dem Verwendungszweck LPLF an TOKATA_LPSG RheinMain, IBAN:  DE87 5065 2124 0002 1171 33  BIC  HELADEF1SLS Sparkasse Langen-Seligenstadt (unser Verein ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt und berechtigt Bescheinigungen für das Finanzamt im Rahmen der Steuererklärung auszustellen).
Außerdem gibt es in dem Newsletter einen Bericht von der neuen ILPDC-Co-Direktorin Carol Cokee und deren Besuch bei Leonard im USP Coleman 1. Der lesenswerte Bericht ist weiter unten in englisch nachzulesen. Allerdings fassen wir eine Facebook-Meldung von Carol zusammen, in der sie die absolut fehlende Covid 19 – Prävention im Knast bemängelt:
Carol hatte beim BOP angefragt, wann den Leonard seine Covid 19 – Impfung erhalte und warum jemand, der Diabetes und andere schwere Gesundheitsprobleme hat keine adäquate Mund-Nasen-Schutzmaske trage. Man habe dem BOP oftmals bereits angeboten, für Leonard solche Masken zu senden, dies sei aber laut Aussagen des zuständigen Bereichsmanagers nicht erlaubt. Auf die Frage, weshalb Peltier keine Impfung habe, wurde geantwortet, dass bislang keiner geimpft sei, was so nicht stimme, das Personal sei geimpft. Dabei wurde Peltier bereits vor Wochen gesagt, dass er bald geimpft würde. Anschließend fragte Carol, was denn gegen Leonards anhaltende Prostataschmerzen getan werde, die er seit 2019 habe. Seit dem sei er nicht weiter untersucht worden. Aus anderen Schreiben von Leonard an uns wissen wir, dass er neben den Prostataschmerzen aktuell über Schulter-, Bein- und Hüftschmerzen klagt und auch die bestehende Gefahr aufgrund seines Bauchaorta-Aneurysmas weiterhin jederzeit lebensbedrohlich sein kann. In den kommenden Tagen werden wir aufgrund dieser Informationen entsprechende Aktionsüberlegungen anstellen.  
Mehr dazhu hier in den kommenden Tagen.

es folgt nun der Newsletter des ILPDC im Original:
 Legal Fundraising Campaign Greetings Family, Friends and Supporters; A quick report on Leonard’s recent discussion with his Management Team, an update on New Observations, and our current Fundraising effort. And the moving journey of my Co-director Carol Cokee’s, visit with Leonard this past Saturday. We received an e-mail from Leonard on the 12 stating “TODAY, I had a brief conversation with my Case Manager. He told me they are putting me in for a transfer, he also said he knows i have served the sentence I received from (“the illegal court trial”!) ( MY words,) but I would or could not be transferred while this pandemic is going on no one is. and it could be up to 6 mos., even longer b/4 they start up the BOP’s Prison air flights, for A transfer.? He also said my security level has been lowered.” With Leonard’s lower security level his request to be transferred to Oxford WI should be approved. Unfortunately there was a problem with our Gofundme to raise money for the campaigns to free Leonard from the efforts for transfer, parole, compassionate release, FOIA requests, clemency, and his First Amendment lawsuit. We decided to use another platform rather than wait. Please share this Fundraxr far and wide.
New Observations # 137 Our supporter and friend Mia Feroleto, Editor, of the wonderful zine New Observations has included information on Leonard in the new issue #137. Both issues #136 ( Pine Ridge) and # 137 will be available in our store. Mia and I did an interview on her podcastregarding Paulette’s and Leonard’s history together
Report from ILPDC Co-Director Carol Gokee on her visit with Leonard The alarm goes off at 6 AM at the hotel, and as I get dressed and ready to go, all I can think about is how happy he will be for that small 2 to 3 hour window of a visit. At the same time, the anxiety overwhelms me that they could lock down those doors any single minute that they want to. So, off I go to the prison, which is less than 10 minutes from the hotel. First thing you have to do is get your temperature taken and get a special little ticket with a smiley face on it and the date.
Then you have to drive down deep into the penitentiary property until you get to maximum-security. And even though those blue doors look slightly welcoming, the rest of the prison looks like a Nazi war camp! Gray and white dingy dark buildings no windows, with barbed wire 10 feet thick around every building. Makes you really think After I park my car I wait till 8 AM to start the process. First step, walking into a maximum-security federal penitentiary. That, in itself, is rather frightening. The process begins with being analyzed for controlled substances, scanned for weapons knives and anything metallic, and stamped with invisible ink for identification purposes if we don’t come out alive! Because we are just numbers like him, we mean nothing more to them than he does. The analyzing process was quite fascinating, as I noticed not one guard got analyzed before they went in to start their job. Go figure. Now I enter the waiting room and just wait for Leonard to come out of the gate! 10 minutes, 20 minutes go by…… then finally he comes dancing out the door! What a wonderful feeling to see him and know that he’s OK☺️ He sat across from me, in his yellow jumpsuit and worn out loafers, to a room that is approximately 40°, with only a T-shirt underneath that jumpsuit. I had a jacket and long sleeves and I was still freezing. In~humane treatment doesn’t even begin to describe what they’ve done to him over the last 45 years. As Leonard says, they’ve always treated him differently than everybody else, and when I say differently, I mean worse! The first few seconds were very quiet, as you could see he was still processing being in the company of another human being, not a guard, not an inmate, but a friend. That moment was priceless. And then the stories started to flow out of him, he first started talking about what he was going to do when he got out. He wants to build a house and use salvaged wood to construct it. The artist in him is always thinking of ways to create beauty. Then the conversation switched over to the boarding school, and the stories of the children running away to get back home to their families, and the torture they endured after being caught was almost unbearable to listen to! I had to excuse myself twice to go get a tissue for all the tears running down into my mask That has always been the hardest part of talking with Leonard is to hear the horror stories that this man has endured his whole life! And just to know that it never beat him down, it only gave him strength to always fight for what is right! He talked about art and new ideas that he’s got for his portraits. And he talked about his supporters and his family, and how truly blessed he is to have us! I then had to take the conversation into his health. As, he has lost weight as a result of the diabetes. He also struggles with the pain in his knees and his shoulders and his hips. And the pain from the prostate he feels every day, all the time! And of course the fear of that aneurysms rupturing!
And we both talked about how important it was to get as many politicians on board to fight for a compassionate release for him. Enough is enough!
Then, just like that, the visit was over. And now the hardest part, leaving without him! All I wanted to do, was reach my hand over to him and grab his hand and walk him out those doors with me! Words cannot begin to describe that feeling of helplessness at that very moment. And then to look into his eyes and to see the pain that he feels. It is absolutely unbearable!
And, maybe most can go in there and visit with him and walk out with a dry eye, but not this chick! It takes me almost an hour to recover, as the pain and the overwhelming feeling of his emotions are strong and heavy! Until we meet again Mr. Peltier. I can only hope and pray that it will be on this side of those doors! And as always, Leonard wants us to continue the fight to keep our earth mother safe and protected as well as fighting for our human rights and our constitutional rights! This world cannot begin to heal until Leonard Peltier is set free! Doksha ~Carol
Leonard Peltier mask copy The Board and Co-Directors express our thanks and gratitude to all of our supporters. You have kept the ILPDC and the struggle for Leonard’s freedom going, We need all of you now more than ever. We are gearing up for campaigns relating to Leonard’s health, transfer potential, parole, compassionate release, Executive Clemency/commutation, and more. To do these things we will need your help to contact folks and to reach out to your local representatives. Reach out to them using the same letter you sent to Trump for clemency or compassionate release but use your representative or Senators name. As we build campaigns we will give further instructions. As always funds are needed. Above we listed our Fundrazr campaign, but we also have our wonderful merchandise which you can find a variety of ways to show your support for Leonard, Coming soon we will have Leonard Peltier masks as we all try to stay safe during the Covid 19 pandemic. Please visit our store and look at what is available. Thank You
116 W Osborne
Tampa, FL 33603 Co-Director Paulette Dauteuil
Co-Director Carol Gokee
Board President-Sheridan Murphy

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