Biden erklärt das AUS für Teilstrecke der Keystone XL Pipeline
Bereits vor Beginn seiner Amtszeit hat Joe Biden zwei uns sehr wichtige Dinge angekündigt: den Stopp von Hinrichtungen in Bundesgefängnissen und das AUS für den Fertigbau des letzten Streckenabschnittes der Keystone XL-Pipeline, durch den Teersandöl von Alberta/Kanada durch Nord- und Süd-Dakota nach Nebraska transportiert werden sollte, um von dort aus weiter nach Texas geleitet zu werden. Dies sind gute Meldungen: für alle Bundesgefangene in Todeszellen und für alle Umweltaktivist*innen und indigene Protectors of Water & Mother Earth. Hier ein Schreiben von Madonna Thunder Hawk (Lakota Peoples Law Project, Women of All Red Nations, AIM) und ein Video. Unterschreibt die Petition an Biden auch die Dakota Acces Oil Pipeline (DAPL) zu stoppen.
Mi, 20. Jan. 2021 3:06 Madonna Thunder Hawk, Lakota Law (

Dear Michael,
Victory! Several reputable news outlets have announced that president-elect Joe Biden plans to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline (KXL) on his first day in office. From all of us here at the Cheyenne River Nation to you, wopila tanka! Thank you so much for staying with us and keeping the pressure on Washington, D.C. to do right by Lakota Country. We only achieve huge wins like this by speaking out together.
Please watch this new film by our friends at the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Earthjustice, written and directed by Josué Rivas. Our pipeline fight won’t end until we win justice for Standing Rock, too.
Rescinding KXL’s permit is a promising early signal that the new administration is listening to our concerns and will take issues of climate and Indigenous justice seriously. We have to insist that it not stop there. It’s also high time to shut down the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) once and for all.
Nearly 13,000 of you have already signed onto our petition telling the Biden-Harris administration to end KXL and DAPL. Once the KXL decision is official, we’ll adjust the petition to thank our new leadership in D.C. for its action while remaining insistent that DAPL come next. We stand in solidarity with our relatives at Standing Rock and allied organizations like Earthjustice, which represents Standing Rock in its legal battle to stop DAPL. The two co-produced this powerful new video and asked us to share it. Please take a moment to watch.
In this hour, victory is undeniably sweet. I think it’s safe to say we needed some good news! But, as the actions of many over the past days and years have demonstrated, we must not let down our guard. Our mission to end the devastation wrought by pipelines on our Grandmother Earth — and on our Lakota families — won’t be finished until we dig DAPL out of our sacred lands. We will stay ever vigilant, and I thank you for supporting us every step of the way.
Wopila tanka — our enduring gratitude for helping us fight and win!
Madonna Thunder Hawk
Cheyenne River Organizer
The Lakota People’s Law Project

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