Leonard Peltiers Genesungswünsche an Tokata-Gründer*innen Michael und Claudia Koch/Weigmann-Koch

Wir hatten lange überlegt ob wir diese sehr persönliche Email Leonards an uns online stellen, doch dann sahen wir, dass er diese Email auch in den USA einigen Unterstützer*innen in Cc sendete und es somit seine Runde macht. Diese Email hat uns zutiefst bewegt und wir danken Leonard in aller Demut und Bescheidenheit mit unserem Versprechen für die Zeit nach Genesung: Leonard, unser Kampf geht weiter.
Greeting everyone. Good news. i just received a em (Email) from my friend and long time supporter not only to me but Native People, Michael koch and Claudia his wife. decades of support.
pls Ilpdc board and supporters send him a happy em and congratulations.
Hau My kola’s Mike and Claudia.
Thank you for the good news. and your success in defeat the virus. i don’t even know what to say ABOUT THIS , FIRST OF COURSE WE DID NOT EVEN KNOW YOU AND CLAUDIA HAD BEEN EXPOSED TO IT. But as i read your em and you mentioning you both been in the hospital, for two weeks, with the illness and then another two in quarantine at home.
but hell i’am happy as hell that your o.k. and to know the virus can be beaten, is encouraging as hell. I’m having the ILpdc board and supporters drop you a line of congratulations.
People send Dr. Mike and Claudia a congrat, from all of us . Paulette let the people on Pine ridge know so they can do the same. We LOVE YOU BROTHER AND SISTER YOUR AWESOME SO CONTINUE GETTING WELL. IN THE SPIRIT OF CRAZY HORSE. YOUR BROTHER ALWAYS, Doksha LEONARD PELTIER
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