Solistatement von Tokata-LPSG RheinMain an die Aktivist*innen gegen die Coastal GasLine Pipeline in BC-Canada/Solidarity Statement to the Unist’ot’en People in their struggle against the Coastal GasLine Pipeline.

Solistatement von Tokata-LPSG RheinMain an die Aktivist*innen gegen die Coastal GasLine Pipeline in BC-Canada/Solidarity Statement to the Unist’ot’en People in their struggle against the Coastal GasLine Pipeline.

Nach unserem Solistatement erhielten wir folgende Antwort/after our letter of solidarity we got following answer:

Good Evening Mike, Thank you for your support of the Unist’ot’en and for your statement in solidarity! My name is Wulfgang and I am a settler supporter responsible for fundraising inquiries. My apologies for the delay in responding to your email. I, like many others, have been working around the clock with the Wet’swuet’en and also involved in solidarity actions on the territories where I live. Is the solidarity statement posted to your website so we can share the link on the Unist’ot’en website? Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I can assist with.
Wulf (they/them)

Neben dem Solibrief hatten wir ja auch eine kleine Spende überwiesen. Wer den Kampf gegen das Pipeline-Projekt und die damit einhergehenden Man Camps und somit die Solidarität mit den Unist’ot’en unterstützen möchte, kann uns unter dem Stichwort/Verwendungszweck NoCGLP Spenden senden, die wir dann Ende Februar weiterleiten. Danke

With the letter of solidaritiy we also sent some donations to support the people in their struggle. We invite everybody, who wants to support the fight against the pipeline-project and the man camps and who wants to show solidarity with the Unist’ot’en to send us donations. You can send donations to us with the reference NoCGLP and we transfer the collected money end of February. Thanx.

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