Upgrade 2 International Peltier Tribunal 3.10.2013: Beteiligte und Programm
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bereits die Zusammenfassungen der ersten beiden Tage (in englisch) mit Videodokumenten. Anbei die aktuelle Liste der Teilnehmer und der aktuelle Programmablauf.
Die Personen:
Die Richter:
Nise Guzman-Nekheba—Professor, Florida A&M University College of Law
Alberto Saldamondo—Human Rights Attorney
Audri Scott Williams—Peacewalker, human rights activist, author, and producer
Shannon Rivers—Akimel O’odham, U.S.-Mexico border struggles, served on Peltier Committee
Tatewin Means—Attorney General, Lakota Oglala Nation, Pine Ridge Reservation
- James Riding In – Professor, Arizona State University
Die Zeugenliste:
Peter Grant—Attorney in Vancouver, British Columbia, at the forefront of the legal struggle of Aboriginal peoples in Canada; involved with the Peltier extradition (SKYPE)
- Bill Means—Co-Founder of the International Indian Treaty Council; American Indian Movement
Clyde Bellecourt—Co-Founder of American Indian Movement
Herb Powless—Co-Founder of American Indian Movement
Larry Anderson—Co-Founder of American Indian Movement
Dino Butler—American Indian Movement
Yvonne Swan—Of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and formerly with the International Indian Treaty Council, has worked for the improvement of her community and to protect the environment
Dennis Banks—Co-Founder of American Indian Movement
Apesanahkwet—One of the five founding Chiefs of the Menominee Warriors Society; former Chairman of the Menominee Nation for eight terms
Kenneth (Bum Bum) Fish—One of the five founding Chiefs of the Menominee Warriors Society; former member of the Menominee Legislature; former Director of Mining Impacts
John Thomas—American Indian Movement
Charlotte Black Elk—Political and environmental Indigenous activist, and a primary advocate for the Lakota peoples regarding the Black Hills Land Claim
Kevin McKiernan—Journalist and veteran foreign correspondent; and documentary filmmaker
Lenny Foster—Boardmember for the International Indian Treaty Council and programsupervisor, Navajo Nation Corrections Project;spiritual adviser for Leonard Peltier and other Native American prisoners
Madonna Thunderhawk—One of the original members of the American Indian Movement, and a long-time community organizer with experience in Indian rights protection, cultural preservation, economic development and environmental justice
Manny Pino—Professor, Scottsdale Community College, Arizona; has worked with the Indigenous Environmental Network and is co-founder of Laguna Acoma for a Safe Environment
Rosalyn Jumping Bull will testify by Skype
Tom Poor Bear—Vice-President, Oglala Sioux Tribe
Internationale Menschenrechts – Beobachter:
- Suhail Ahmed – Pakistan
- Etasham Anwar – Pakistan
- Nawarathne Marasinghe – Sri Lanka
- Olushegun Tidjani Serpos – Benin
- Sandhya Basini Sitoula – Nepal
- Captain Wangdi – Bhutan
- Gökce Yildirim – Turkey
Vertreter europäischer Peltier – Unterstützer:
- Dr. Michael Koch – Tokata – LPSG RheinMain/Germany
- Dick Bancroft (langjähriger Fotograf von AIM – Aktivitäten)
Das Programm:
Mittwoch, 1.10.2013:
9:00 – 9:40 Begrüßung durch Dorothy Ninham (Director Wind chases the sun, LPDOC, former judge of the Oneida Nation
9:40 – 11:00 Lakota – Kultur, -Identität und – Geschichte (Bill Means & Chris Mato Nupa)
11:45 – 13:00 Von Wounded Knee 1973 bis zur Schießerei in Pine Ridge 1975 (Edgar Bear Runner, Clyde Bellecourt, Dennis Banks, Madonna
Thunderhawk, Lerry Keventhal
14:30 – 16:15 Pine Ridge Reservation: Reign of Terror (Tom Poor Bear u. a.)
16:15 – 18:00 Pine Ridge Reservation: Der Zwischenfall in Oglala (Jean Roach, Dino Butler)
Abends Kulturveranstaltung u. a. mit Bill Miller
Donnerstag, 2.10.2013:
9:00 – 9:40 Begrüßungszeremonie & AIM – Song, Zusammenfassung des Vortages und Tafesvorschau (Bill Means)
10:00 – 11:00 Film “I Am The Indian Voice” (Claus Biegert/Dick Bancroft) und Skype – Interview John Privatera (Peltiers aktueller Anwalt)
11:00 – 12:00 Verlesung von Aussagen (u. a. Rosa Alvarez, Apesanakwat)
13:00 – 15:00 Rundfahrt Oneida Reservation
15:00 – 16:00 Auslieferung Peltiers aus Kanada (Peter Grand)
16:00 – 18:00 Haftbedingungen Peltiers (Dorothy Ninham, Lenny Foster); Youtube – Film des früheren Gefangenenwärters von Peltier in Leavcenworth, Bruce Smith (www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-y1bTyDIMI)
Freitag, 3.10.2013:
9:00 – 9:30 Begrüßungszeremonie, Zusammenfassung des Vortages und Tafesvorschau (Bill Means)
9:30 – 10:45 Internationale NGOs und der Fall Peltier (u.a. Michael Koch), Skype – Interview mit Bruce Ellison (langjähriger Anwalt Peltiers
und anderer Verfahren gg. indianische Aktivisten)
10:45 – 11:45 Verlesung von Aussagen (u. a. Manny Pino, Lenny Foster, Dino Butler)
11:45 – 12:30 Grußbotschaften internationaler Menschenrechts – Verteidiger
12:30 – 13:00 Schlusszusammenfassung (Dennis Banks)
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