Leonard Peltiers Grüße an alle Unterstützer zu seinem Geburtstag
For all of my friends and family out there celebrating my birthday,
I wish I was out there with you! But since I can't be, enjoy the
day. Have extra kind words for each other. Put a smile on someone's
face. Wipe the tears from someone who is crying. Be a brother or
sister to someone in the struggle. Do something kind for our elderly
and something gentle for our babies. Be the voice for those who
are afraid to speak. Be the protector for the weak. In doing that,
you are a warrior for our people. It is my prayer that the Creator
touches you with good health and happiness and that you live to
enjoy many, many more years to come.
Thank you for remembering me on this day, the day the Creator
breathed life into me. I am truly blessed with your friendship.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,