Heimprojekt in der Standing Rock Reservation sucht Unterstützung
gerne teilen wir diese Anfrage von Madonna Thunder Hawk, denn dieses Projekt liegt uns als Verein sehr am Herzen, denn nicht nur als Menschenrechts-Aktivist*innen sind wir aktiv, sondern seit 5 Jahrzehnten auch als Jugendhilfe-Mitarbeitende. Die Unterstützung indigener Jugendprojekte ist daher seit Anfang an in unserem Verein als Ziel verankert. Und auch dieses Projekt unterstützen wir seit letztem Jahr. Auch kleine Beträge helfen. Anbei der Text von Madonna. Mit einem Klick auf das Bild startet hierzu auch ein kurzer Filmbeitrag. LG Mike
Dear Michael,
I’m sure many of you can relate when I say that parenting is not without its difficulties! Over the first year and a half operating Lakota Law’s Native-run foster home on the Standing Rock Nation, we’ve faced our share of hurdles. Right now, those include getting our new, full-time foster parent everything she needs, supporting a very loveable child with special needs, and funding shortfalls. But these challenges hardly matter compared to how it feels to show up for the young ones who need it — and who shine so brightly with the care we provide.Can you pitch in today to help us cover costs and ensure we’re there every step of the way for these special children?

About 30 kids have stayed in our home since we opened, while awaiting a safe return to more permanent care with closer relatives. And we now have twins in the house! I’m happy to say they’re receiving the best possible support from our Native foster parent, who loves being with them.
So you have the full picture, we work in partnership with Standing Rock Child Protection Services (CPS), which thankfully has some autonomy in running its own CPS program — unlike most of the other tribes in South Dakota, which must rely upon the state’s Department of Social Services (DSS) to provide foster care support. Standing Rock CPS, however, is still hamstrung by a lack of funding. It doesn’t have a Title IV-E direct funding relationship with the Biden administration, so all support that comes from Washington to the region still funnels through state-run DSS programs. We’re actively looking at ways to change that.
Our children are our future, and we can’t strengthen tribal nations without ensuring that our kids grow up under the care of tribal relatives. For centuries, the United States has conjured policies to undermine the health and confidence of our people. The forced assimilation of our children, and their intentional impoverishment, have long been chief among these tactics. Please continue to stand with us to create a more equitable path forward. Together, we can resist what the United Nations has termed ‘cultural genocide’ right here in my homeland — and yours.
Wopila tanka — thank you for empowering a better future for our children!
Madonna Thunder Hawk
Cheyenne River Organizer
The Lakota People’s Law Project
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