Hinrichtung in Texas gestoppt.
Heute Morgen erhielten wir aus den USA von Death Penalty Action (DPA) die Nachricht, dass die für gestern anberaumte Hinrichtung von Ruben Gutierrez durch den Obersten Gerichtshof der USA ausgesetzt wurde – weniger als eine Stunde vor Vollzug der geplanten Hinrichtung. Und wieder einmal hat, wie im Falle Rodney Reeds, Texas Gouverneur Abott selbst auf die Kampagne bislang nicht reagiert. Auf unseren Facebook- und Twitter-Seiten haben wir zur Unterstützung der Kampagne aufgerufen, um die drohende Hinrichtung doch noch zu stoppen. Nun gibt es einen kleinen Hoffnungsschimmer für Guiterrez, über den wir uns freuen können. Aber längst kein Anlass nicht weiter aktiv zu sein, denn weitere Hinrichtungen sind in den USA geplant. Auch wir bleiben aktiv und werden uns als Menschenrechtler*innen weiterhin gegen Todesstrafen überall engagieren. Es folgt das Schreiben von DPA.
Dr. Michael , Great news! With less than an hour before his scheduled execution, Ruben Gutierrez received a stay of execution from the US Supreme Court. Thank you for taking action! Below is a statement from Shawn Nolan, one of Mr. Gutierrez’s attorney.
You helped overwhelm Governor Abbott’s office with phone calls yesterday and today, yet still the governor chose not to act. We will continue to build pressure on Governor Abbott to lead in these cases.
Death Penalty Action hosted an impromptu live conversation on our Facebook page this evening. We discussed the Gutierrez case, and also the new execution dates announced last night for four federal death row prisoners. Jessica Hawkey, Rob Dunham, Wana Akpan, Emma Tacke, Magdaleno M. Rose-Avila and Bill Pelke joined Abe Bonowitz for a fascinating, informative and empowering conversation. Even if you don’t have Facebook, you can watch here.
Following is a statement from Shawn Nolan, one of Mr. Gutierrez’s attorneys: “Today, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a stay of execution based on Ruben Gutierrez’schallenge to TDCJ’s change of the longstanding practice, upheld in both federal law andconstitutional law, of allowing prisoners to have spiritual advisors in the chamber duringexecutions. As a devout Catholic, Mr. Gutierrez’s faith requires the assistance of clergy to helphim pass from life into afterlife. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice changed its policy for its own convenience, but spiritual comfort at the time of death is not a convenience; it’s aprotected legal right. Mr. Gutierrez’s case is also gravely concerning because of the urgent need to test the DNAevidence in his case. For years, Mr. Gutierrez has sought such testing in order to prove he did not commit the crime for which he was sentenced to death. The state has fought such testing at every turn, but surely the public interest would be best served by allowing DNA testing while the Court considers Mr. Gutierrez’s case, in order to prevent a wrongful execution in the future.”
– Shawn Nolan, Attorney for Ruben Gutierrez; Chief, Capital Habeas Unit, Federal Defender for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania -June 16, 2020
Click here to learn more about pending federal and other executions, sign petitions, and more.
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