Neues aus der Pine Ridge Reservation

Nun insgesamt 5 neue Corona-Fälle in der P.R.R. Bitte schreibt weiterhin an die zuständige Gouverneurin Kristi Noem, die versucht die Gesundheits-Checkpoints der Lakota an den Straßen zu verbieten und ggf. räumen zu lassen. Und dies, obwohl ein Urteil des Supreme Court aus den 90er Jahren bestätigt hat, dass die Bundes- und Staatsstraßen innerhalb von Reservationen jeweilige “Stammes”angelegenheit sind. Wie Ihr an die Gouverneurin schreibt, findet Ihr auf unserer Webseite in einem Beitrag aus dieser Woche.

Lakota Law

Dear Michael,

I write with unfortunate news: we’re now dealing with an outbreak of the novel coronavirus at Pine Ridge. We’re up to at least five positive tests here, a rapidly growing number that has forced a 72-hour lockdown.

This demonstrates why it’s absolutely critical that many of you have taken the time to tell South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem not to challenge our COVID-19 checkpoints. Fortunately, your pressure is working. You sent more than 15,000 emails to the governor, and she flinched — failing to follow through on her 48-hour legal deadline.

As Oglala Sioux Tribe President Julian Bear Runner’s spokesperson and public relations director, protecting the people of this nation and sharing our stories are my sacred duties. I’m proud of the powerful conversation my president had last night with Don Lemon on CNN. Please watch and share it. We must continue to win the public education battle.

Lakota Law

This outbreak is yet another demonstration of Governor Noem’s statewide policy failure with COVID-19. This is why we’ve taken matters into our own hands. We are so obviously on the right side of this that 17 state lawmakers, including a Republican, have penned an open letter to the governor in support of us. Even Fox News is having a hard time spinning this one in the governor’s favor.

I thank you, with all of my heart, for listening and acting in friendship with my relatives. If we stand our ground and keep the conversation going, we will prevail — over ignorance in our state capitol and over this pandemic.

Wopila — my sincere thanks for your attention,

Chase Iron Eyes
Lead Counsel
The Lakota People’s Law Project

P.S. If you haven’t already emailed Governor Noem to demand that she respect our tribe’s safety and sovereignty, your support now would mean more than ever.

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