Leonard Peltiers Schwester Vivian Peltier ist verstorben.
Anlässlich des Todes von Leonard Peltiers Schwester Vivian hier sein Abschiedsgedicht, dass er seiner Schwester widmete. Es wird Leonard erneut nicht erlaubt sein, an der Beerdigung eines nahen Verwandten teilnehmen zu können, die Herrscher des Grauens verweigern erneut jede menschliche Regung. Wir teilen die Trauer Leonards und seiner Familie um Vivian Peltier. Und wir sind empört und wütend über die Unmenschlichkeit und Gnadenlosigkeit der US-amerikanischen “Justiz”
In memory of Vivian Peltier by Leonard Peltier
My Dear little Sister, I am so sorry, I should have been there to help you.
We went through a lot together.
I have memories kept deep inside, And they will always be a part of me.
I remember us as little children, Life was never easy for us. there were times we were afraid, I was afraid too, but I tried to look brave.
I felt a responsibility to protect and care for you.
I want you to know, I never claimed to be perfect, I made mistakes, but never intentionally.
You’re my little Sister, I have always loved you, I am proud of the beautiful woman you became.
You were a loving Mother and Grandmother, A very caring Auntie, But to me, you will always be, My little Sister. The Creator has released you from your earthly responsibilities, you have completed what you were sent here to do.
As you soar with the mighty eagles, Remember me, I will always be, Your Brother.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
Leonard Peltier
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