….und das staatliche Morden geht weiter

Vor einem Monat, am 10.10.2022 war der weltweite Aktionstag gegen die Todesstrafe. Die Bundesbeauftragte für Menschenrechte, der Bundesregierung im Auswärtigen Amt, Luise Amtsberg hatte hierzu denn auch Stellung bezogen.


Einen Monat später treffen sich in Berlin vom 15. – 18. November namhafte Vertreter von Regierungen und NGOs anlässlich eines Welktkongresses gegen die Todesstrafe, die deutsche Außenministerin hat zu diesem Thema deutliche Worte gefunden.


Doch gleichzeitig verkündet das islamistisch-faschistische Regime in Teheran die ersten Todesurteile gegen Demonstrationsteilnehmer*innen. Und parallel findet in den USA eine unglaubliche Hinrichtungswelle vor allem in den Südstaaten statt. Bitte beteiligt euch weiterhin an den Protesten gegen die Todesstrafe, in den USA, im Iran, in Japan, VR China und überall. Mehr Infos fondet Ihr in dem Link zu der Pressemitteilung von AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. Dort könnt Ihr auch zu weiteren Informationen euch weiter verlinken und auch Berichte downloaden.





Please sign and share the petitions listed below. Click through to learn more, including the names of the victims in each case. Also, Make a note to call each governor at least once each day during regular office hours!

If your community has bells, toll them for two minutes at the time of the scheduled executions. Let us know if you are doing this!

  • November 16, 2022 at 10:00 am MT: Murray Hooper in Arizona – Murray Hooper is scheduled for execution in Arizona on November 16, 2022 for his alleged 1980 murders of Patrick Redmond and Helen Phelps. Murray Hooper has always maintained his innocence. Call Governor Doug Ducey at 602-542-4331. LOCAL PROTEST INFO IS AT https://www.azdeathpenalty.org/events. (Also at 9am MT at the Prison in Florence. Navigate to the “Blue Mist Hotel,” which is right across the street from the protest site.
  • November 16, 2022 at 6:00 pm CT: Stephen Barbee in TexasStephen Barbee is scheduled for execution in Texas on November 16, 2022 for the 2005 murders of Lisa Underwood, her unborn child and her son Jayden. He is now so ill that he will require a wheelchair to get to the execution chamber. Call Gov. Greg Abbott at 512-463-1782. LOCAL PROTEST INFO – Outside the Huntsville “Walls” Unit starting at 5pm. (If you will be there and would join the Zoom vigil to give local connection, please reply to this message.)
  • November 17, 2022 at 10:00 am CT: Richard Fairchild in OklahomaRichard Fairchild is on death row in Oklahoma for the 1993 murder of Adam Broomhall and is scheduled for execution on November 17, 2022. Richard Fairchild is a veteran and severely mentally ill. Call Governor Kevin Stitt at 405-521-2342. LOCAL PROTEST INFO: 9am at Governor’s Mansion in OKC and the prison in McAlester.
  • November 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm CT: Kenneth Smith in Alabama: Kenneth Smith is scheduled for execution in Alabama on November 17, 2022 for the 1988 murder of Elizabeth Sennett. Smith’s jury voted 11-1 to sentence him to life in prison, but a judge overrode that recommendation. We are also watching to see if the state of Alabama ca kill him without hours of turture first, as happened behind closed curtains in the most recent two executions. Call Governor Kay Ivey at 334-242-7100. LOCAL PROTEST INFO IS at http://www.phadp.org/?q=node/561
  • November 29, 2022 at 6:00 pm CT: Kevin Johnson in MissouriKevin “KJ” Johnson, a Black youth, is scheduled for execution in Missouri on November 29, 2022 for the 2005 murder of a white Kirkwood police officer, William McEntee, a crime committed when he was 19 years old. Despite many erroneous and unfair court rulings, grossly ineffective counsel, and racist prosecutorial policies, KJ now faces execution. Call Governor Mike Parson at 573-751-3222. LOCAL PROTEST INFO IS HERE: https://www.madpmo.org/

IRAN: organisiert Aktionen in euren Städten und vor allem vor iranischen Niederlassungen!!!!

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