(german/english) Heute YouTube Premiere WE ARE NOT SEPARATE. President Biden, give Leonard Peltier back his freedom

Tonight premiere on YouTube. 20. Dezember 2024 21 Uhr MEZ/CET – Dec. 20th, 2024 New York/Washington DC 3 pm/ Chicago 2 pm/ South Dakota 1 pm, California 12o’clock/high noon

und danach immer abrufbar unter diesem Link/and afterwards always available under this link Videolink


Dieses Video ist eine speziell für die Clemency Campaign überarbeitete Version und daher eine erneute Premiere. Ruft im Weißen Haus an und fordert Freiheit für Leonard Peltier (federal prisoner #89637-132, USP Coleman 1, Florida)

This video is a specially reworked version for the Clemency Campaign and therefore a new premiere. Call the White House and demand freedom for Leonard Peltier (federal prisoner #89637-132, USP Coleman 1, Florida),

Call the White House – Phone Numbers

Kommentare – Comments: 202-456-1111
Telefonzentrale – Switchboard: 202-456-1414

Was ihr am Telefon sagen könnt/ what to say on phone – SAMPLE SCRIPT FOR TELEPHONE CALL:

Hello, my name is _, and I am calling you today in support of executive
clemency for Leonard Peltier, Inmate #89637-132. Almost 80 years old, Leonard suffers
from many health issues and uses a walker to move about within the walls of the
maximum-security federal penitentiary at Coleman 1.

The prosecutorial misconduct and constitutional violations that took place in the handling
of Peltier’s case are well-known. Those involved in his prosecution have increasingly
stepped forward in affirmation of what they witnessed and in support of Leonard Peltier’s
His incarceration is now at the stage where it is both cruel and unusual punishment. I urge

you to please grant Leonard Peltier executive clemency.
Thank you for your time.


Lyrics by Leonard Peltier & Michael Koch
Music by Michael Koch
Recorded live at KJK Sandgasse Offenbach, May 28th 2024
Giutar & Flute – Wade Fernandez Guitar & Vocals – Michael Koch

President Biden, now it is up to YOU to show compassion and justice – please release Leonard Peltier

German/English: Am 28. Mai 2024 kam es mal wieder zu einem spontanen und zuvor nie gemeinsam eingeübten Song, den der Menominee – Musiker Wade Fernandez und ich im Offenbacher KJK Sandgasse aufführten. In den vergangenen 20 Jahren hatte ich über ein halbes Dutzend Songs dem indigenen politischen Gefangenen Leonard Peltier gewidmet. …..Doch waren bislang diese Songs Eigenkompositionen, ist dies bei dem vorliegenden Song “We are not separate” etwas anders. Inspiriert durch die Anfrage des italienischen Musikers und Peltier-Unterstützers Gaetano Nicosia, ob dieser ein Gedicht Peltiers als Lied nutzen könne, hatte ich Leonard gebeten, zwei seiner Gedichte, DIFFERENCE und WE ARE NOT SEPARATE, verwenden zu dürfen, um daraus einen einzigen Song zu machen und dabei Leonards Lyrics noch einige meiner eigenen Worte sowie einen Refrain hinzuzufügen. Nachdem Leonard mir sein Okay gab und ich ihm den neuen Text zuschickte, sozusagen nun unserem gemeinsamen Text, hatte er mir erneut sein Okay gegeben. Hier also die Premiere mit dem Menominee-Musiker Wade Fernandez: gewidmet Leonard und allen Menschen, die für eine menschlichere und gerechtere Zukunft und den Schutz von Mutter Erde kämpfen.
On 28 May 2024, Menominee musician Wade Fernandez and I once again performed a spontaneous song that we had never rehearsed together before at the KJK Sandgasse in Offenbach. Over the past 20 years, I have dedicated over half a dozen songs to the indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier. …But while these songs were previously original compositions, the song “We are not separate” is a little different. Inspired by a request from the Italian musician and Peltier –Supporter Gaetano Nicosia to use one of Peltier’s poems as a song, I asked Leonard if I could use two of his poems, DIFFERENCE and WE ARE NOT SEPARATE, to make a single song out of them, adding some of my own words and a chorus to Leonard’s lyrics. After Leonard gave me his OK and I sent him the new lyrics, our joint lyrics so to speak, he gave me his OK again. So here is the premiere with Menominee musician Wade Fernandez: dedicated to Leonard and all people who are fighting for a more humane and just future and the protection of Mother Earth.

Premiere: 20. Dezember 2024 21 Uhr MEZ/CET – Dec. 20th, 2024 New York/Washington DC 3 pm/ Chicago 2 pm/ South Dakota 1 pm, California 12o’clock/high noon

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