Wird Leonard Peltier operiert???

Leonard Peltier soll bald möglichst sich einer Prostataoperation unterziehen. Seit 5 Jahren leidet Peltier an Symptomen, die Prostatakrebs ähneln. Lange Zeit wurden ihm medizinische Untersuchungen und Behandlungen verweigert. Dann wurden Untersuchungsergebnisse nicht umfassend bekannt gegeben. Hier nun Leonards aktuelles Statement zur eigenen Gesundheitsituation:
December 5, 2016
Greetings my friends and relatives,
Early this morning I was taken out of my cell in chains and taken to the infirmary where I was told to wait, sitting up in a chair which was very uncomfortable.
After about an hour an outside doctor came in and talked to me. He said that they need to do surgery on my prostate right away. As you know I have been complaining about prostate symptoms for years. He described what is usually a very long and painful recovery period, but then said that he does a new procedure that is much less difficult.
I do not know when or where this will take place. All I know is that he said it has to be done ASAP.
I would like to thank all of my friends who reached out to ask that my health issues be addressed I believe that without that help I would not be seeing an outside doctor now.
I will ask that people keep me in their prayers going forward.
I will try to let someone know as soon as I hear more if there is time.
Leonard Peltier


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